Read more about the past week in our life starting a homestead and renovating our old farmhouse.
This week:
This week was focused on preparing for both our last final home construction project and the last of the garden planting. Now that the warmth of spring seems to be here to stay, we are getting ready to get all of our big projects done.
Early last week we had both finished recovering from some timely sicknesses and felt like we were ready to get to work. We turned our focus away from our chicken coop build (which has reached substantial completion, but still requires some final touches) and towards finishing our garden and last big house project.
We have been spending time in the evenings getting various crops planted out in the garden and otherwise tying up loose ends. Our hope is that starting next week, we can focus all of our project time on the house. I have been working on planting, mulching beds, and finalizing the layout for the crops yet to come. There are still a few raised beds to be built, but we have been waiting for Menards to restock their six foot cedar pickets! As I work in the garden, Isaac has been touching up the chicken coop and fixing other little things around the homestead to help us in the coming weeks.
The only crops left to go outside are our san marzano tomatoes, some melons, and a few interplanted pest deterrent crops to set us up for success through the rest of the growing season. Not bad for middle of May!
House Projects:
With things outside finally starting to feel less crunched for time, we have turned our attention to our last big project inside. At the end of May we plan on rebuilding the back wall of our house and fully renovating our bathroom. This should be the last big project of this scale. Over the weekend we completed the demo of both the back addition and bathroom, making it ready to start work. Here are some photos of our back addition after being demo’d:
This upcoming weekend we will start our big push to redo this entire back entrance. We spent some time this weekend planning and discussing our thoughts for the project.
Stop by next week for an update on life on the homestead!